beauty of polfa

In less than two weeks Bike Polo Club Kraków is organising a post-apocalyptic bike polo tournament for Halloween 2016. We're hosting it at our home court - the abandoned swimming pool of Polfa. Here are a few shots showing the beauty of this decaying place, and how nature takes its course in taking over what's no longer used by humans.
But first, have a look at the event trailer I made. Full screen + headphones recommended!

polo trip leftover pics

Two weeks ago we set out of town to our friends place in the countryside to have some chill time and play some laid back bike polo.
You can find the full bikepolove report on bikepolove blog, but here are just a few more pictures. I couldn't make enough of this trip!

off festival from hummus perspective

A week ago I came back from a couple of days at Off Festival 2016. The festival has been going on annualy for literally years and it's the most awesome music event in Poland. I had a chance to take part in the hummus operation at the festival, taking pictures, making coffee, making hummus, doing carpentry work, driving, going to concerts and hanging out with some of the best people in my life.
Definitely one of the experiences to remember in 2016! <3

sofa underground krakow

Sofa Underground Kraków is an initiative promoting nieche bands in the city. The concerts take place at peoples' apartments or alternative venues, like this time - Spółdzielnia Ogniwo. On Friday, we had so much fun, listening to Romantic Fellas, When Whispers Explode, and of course Zdrowie™. Tremendous concerts, amazing atmosphere! Glad to be able to listen to these amazing artists and hang out with friends that friday night! Check out my thorough photo report on facebook!

#tbt: wallpapers

A day escapade on a January Sunday. We drove out of Krakow at dawn to get the most of the winter forest we could. We were counting on the spectacular views, instead got incredible quiteness of a winter forest. Thanks, Pyza for this tiny adventure and good luck with your travels! <3